Fishing Reports

We hope you enjoy the fishing reports below. To view more photos, be sure to check out our Pics & Vids galleries.

3-22-25 ........ SATURDAY ....... SPRING FISHING IS STARTING TO POP! .........

Welcome back for the 2025 Season! ........ It seems like yesterday that we were shutting down for the winter! ........ Our fishermen are getting a leg up on this spring with SEA MULLET, BLACK DRUM, and bunches of BLOWFISH! ....... Congratulations to NUI VINSON (Jacksonville, NC)-- 2 lb. 6 oz. BLACK DRUM .......... RON DOC (Emerald Isle, NC)-- 14 oz. BLOWFISH ........... RAQUEL GIRON (Middlesex, NC)-- 9 oz. SEA MULLET ............ and KRYSTONFER VANVALKENBURG (Havelock, NC)-- 7 oz. BLOWFISH ......... DR. BOGUS reports the WATER TEMPERATURE at 59*(thanks!) and plenty of sunshine on tap for the whole weekend! ........... FISHING is picking up ...... COME ON DOWN! ........ MIKE STANLEY

12-2-24 ......... MONDAY ...... CLOSED FOR THE 2024 SEASON! ..........

I would like to thank everyone for a great season! ....... Fishing was good with gobs of SEA MULLET, SPANISH MACKEREL, BLUEFISH, POMPANO, BLACK and PUPPY DRUM! ....... We did miss another big SPOT and KING MACKEREL season but it's ok...... THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT SEASON! ......... The closing days saw BLACK DRUM, SEA MULLET, POMPANO, SHEEPSHEAD, and BLUEFISH...... Congratulations to WESLEY PAGE (Burlington, NC)-- 7 lb. 10 oz. (24.5'') BLACK DRUM ............ SAM BENNETT (Winston-Salem, NC)-- 7 lb. 1 oz. ALBACORE ........... LISA SMITH (Thomasville, NC)-- 6 lb. 13 oz. BLACK DRUM ........... DARRELL NOAH (Haw River, NC)-- 3 lb. 9 oz. SHEEPSHEAD .......... ANGEL ANAYA (Jacksonville, NC)-- 2 lb. 8 oz. POMPANO ............. AMANDA UNSELT (Greenville, NC)-- 1 lb. 5 oz. SEA MULLET ............ and TONY HASSELL (Maysville, NC)-- COOLER with SEA MULLET ....... Now that the pier is closed, all 2024 SEASON PASS HOLDERS can use their pass card (or key fob) to access the pier by tapping the gray box on either side of the PIER GATE. This will take the place of the issued gate keys which have been disabled. Please allow a few seconds for the gate to operate and it will open seamlessly. Thanks for your patience while we were in the setup process; hopefully it will be worth the wait! Season Pass Holders are allowed to bring guests with them on the pier. Please be sure to help keep the pier clean and in good repair. I would like to thank all of our Staff for another amazing season! We could never have the appreciation of our customers without their hard work and loyalty to our family values! ......... The summer parking lot system was a great success! It has helped to bring a much more relaxed atmosphere and it just seems to be more respectful with people that really want to be here! ........ 2025 is just around the corner so all of us at BIP wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season! ...... We'll be re-opening on Friday, March 14th, 2025!....... SEE YOU THEN! ............ MIKE & SHIRLEY STANLEY

11-26-24 ......... TUESDAY ......... GREAT END TO A GREAT SEASON! ............

Where in the world has this season gone? ......... The water has finally cooled to a very seasonable 61* (thanks Dr. BOGUS!) and the BLACK DRUM are out in force! ......... BLACK DRUM, SEA MULLET, POMPANO, SPECKLED TROUT, and BLUEFISH are the catches today! ........ Congratulations to CHARLES GRAHAM (Clinton, NC)-- 9 lb. 2 oz. BLACK DRUM ........... ADAM CLARK (Emerald Isle, NC)-- 9 lb. (24.5'') BLACK DRUM ............ MAURIE MURPHY (Morrisville, NC)-- 5 lb. 7 oz. BLACK DRUM ............ JOSEPH DOBY (Jacksonville, NC)-- 4 lb. 14 oz. BLACK DRUM .......... LORI EVERETT (Kinston, NC)-- 4 lb. 14 oz. BLACK DRUM ............ CHRIS HEATH (Kinston, NC)-- 4 lb. 12 oz. BLACK DRUM .............. JIM HILL (Hubert, NC)-- 4 lb. 8 oz. BLACK DRUM ........... MAURIE MURPHY (Morrisville, NC)-- 3 lb. 3 oz. POMPANO .... JOSEPH DOBY (Jacksonville, NC)-- BLACK DRUM ........... MAURIE MURPHY (Morrisville, NC)-- 3 lb. 3 oz. BLACK DRUM ............ CHARLES GRAHAM (Clinton, NC)-- POMPANO ............ MATTHEW BEIEDEKAPP (Princeton, NC)-- 2 lb. 5 oz. BLACK DRUM .... JOSEPH DOBY (Jacksonville, NC)-- SEA MULLET ............ MATTHEW BEIEDEKAPP (Princeton, NC)-- 1 lb. 3 oz. BLUEFISH ........ JOSEPH DOBY (Jacksonville, NC)-- BLUEFISH .............. and MATTHEW BEIEDEKAPP (Princeton, NC)-- 15 oz. SEA MULLET .... The names might be duplicated but the fish aren't!........... We plan to be open 24 hours for Friday and Saturday night so bundle up really good and catch those night feeders stretching the season into DECEMBER! ......... A big weekend ahead ....... DON'T MISS THIS ONE! ......... MIKE STANLEY

11-22-24......... FRIDAY ........FINALLY ....... A WATER TEMPERATURE DROP! ............

We've been watching the peak SPECKLED TROUT season heading past us with a very warm water temperature hovering at 66* for days! ......... We finally have dropped to 63* today (thanks Dr. Bogus!) and a good variety of fish have showed up today! .......... Congratulations to NUI VINSON (Jacksonville, NC)-- 3 lb. 10 oz. SHEEPSHEAD ........... KEVON PALMER (Jacksonville, NC)-- 2 lb. 2 oz. POMPANO ........... LARRY TOTH (Emerald Isle, NC)-- 1 lb. 4 oz. BLOWFISH ........... and a cooler with SHEEPSHEAD & BLACK DRUM! ........ Today SEA MULLET, BLUEFISH, SHEEPSHEAD, BLACK DRUM, and BLOWFISH are coming up with a great weekend of fishing weather ahead! ....... SEASON PASS HOLDERS: the Pier Gate will be ready in time for closing day. PLEASE BEAR WITH US! ....... We're almost at the season's end ......... Come on Down! .......... Mike Stanley

11-17-24 ........ SUNDAY ........ NICE BLACK DRUM! .........

We're in the last two weeks of the 2024 SEASON and fishing is moving right along! ........ BLACK DRUM, BLUEFISH, SHEEPSHEAD, SEA MULLET, SPOTS, and CROAKERS are coming in now .......... Congratulations to TIMOTHY MINCH (Emerald Isle, NC)-- 5 lb. 14 oz. BLACK DRUM ........... DONNA TAYLOR (Tarheel, NC)-- 3 lb. 6 oz. & 3 lb. 7 oz. BLACK DRUM ........... MARSHA MOORE (Fuquay Varina, NC)-- 3 lb. 6 oz. BLACK DRUM .............. JOSEPH DODY (Jacksonville, NC)-- 2 lb. 15 oz. BLACK DRUM .......... ISABELLA WATSON (Swansboro, NC)-- 2 lb. 6 oz. BLACK DRUM ........... JAYZEN AMBROSE (Jacksonville, NC)-- 2 lb. 2 oz. SHEEPSHEAD ............ and NUI VINSON (Jacksonville, NC)-- 8 oz. SPOT ......... DR. BOGUS reports the WATER TEMPERATURE at 66* (thanks!) which is a nice seasonal drop! ......... We have a good week ahead ....... Let's finish the season out right! .......... Mike Stanley